Saturday, June 25, 2011


Too often in our lives we grow comfortable and forget that we are in the middle of a battle. Whether you like it or not, each of us has a battlefield. And each of us is called to fight there.
Many people tell me, "I don't know what God wants me to do in life." and then they keep on thinking about it and going on with their normal lives.  I notice, at least in my own life, I do the same thing, except I know what God wants me to do right then, but I don't want to do it, I want to stay comfortable and keep thinking about what He will have me do later on in life.
Of course, that is the wrong way to look at it.
Maybe we need to gain a new perspective on our lives.
Our society has taught all of us to think about the future, and it sets so many of us aspiring to be missionaries and pastors, and from then on we try and just get through everything else so that we can get to the point where we can be a missionary or pastor.
Isn't that negligence to an extent? We ignore the battle where God has placed us in the present, and set our gaze on the future. That is no way to live.
God has placed each one of His children in a different place, it could be anywhere; at your work place, your campus, your church, even on a forum on the internet.

God has placed each of us at a church; and there is a battle there. There is a battle for souls, whether you want to admit it or not. There is a battle for truth in every church, there is a battle for becoming comfortable and shallow. There is a huge battle going on in your church today, and God has put you there for a reason. It could be to stand up for the truth against error, or it could be even challenging your brothers and sisters to go deeper in the Word. There is a battle there.
God has placed you on either a campus or work place, or even both. It's a battle for souls; and we all very well understand that battle.
And the same applies to the internet. 
See what I mean? All of us have a battle field. The question isn't so much, 'where is my battle field?' but rather, 'What am I doing to fight in this battle?'

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